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Queues, an endemic plague of airport terminals, are getting longer in the face of an underestimated recovery in the number of passengers.
By Thierry Vigoureux
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The’airplane, a fast way to get around, can lose its advantage over the train when it is necessary to add to the short flight time (often of the order of one hundred and twenty minutes) the hours spent in airports before takeoff and after landing. The system is gripped, especially since several entities (airline, airport, various state services) are throwing the blame for delays at each other. The passenger, on the other hand, is waiting and continues to pay more and more taxes and fees for services with decreasing quality. He has to follow a real obstacle course in the terminal building.
At both departure and arrival, a passenger may be subjected to several checks (up to five) before boarding or disembarking an aircraft. Some sound controls…
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