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INVESTIGATION. War in Ukraine, rampant inflation, food shortages, worried investors… How far will the world economy falter?
By Marie Bordet, Beatrice Parrino and Marc Vignaud
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Cdo you know the parable of the coyote and Beep Beep, the desert bird? In the American cartoon, the coyote, who chases Beep Beep throughout episodes, regularly completes his crazy run at the edge of a cliff … Caught in his momentum, he finds himself suspended in the air. And it is only at the fateful moment when he realizes that he is in a vacuum that he actually falls. “Today we are in this short moment when we are as if suspended in the air and we begin to understand what awaits us. The fall is just after…”, tells an investment banker from the Place de Paris. In this spring, France is experiencing a very strange period: she is like Sister Anne who sees nothing coming. If the economic actors all agree on the imminence of a crisis, on its character…
illustrations: jean for “the point”
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