Moderate environmental regulation exerts pressure on enterprises to reduce emissions, prompting them to increase environmental protection investment and introduce advanced energy-saving technologies, thus fostering the green and low-carbon transformation of enterprises. To summarize, first, current research on industrial robot applications mainly focuses on their economic benefits, while relatively few studies have explored their environmental benefits. Although some scholars have paid attention to the impact of industrial robot applications on carbon emission reduction, these studies are primarily focused at the macro-provincial and municipal levels, lacking research at the micro-enterprise level.

indirect peer pressure

Peer Influence: A Précis

Finally, too little attention has been given to demographic characteristics as moderators of peer influence (Lessard et al., 2019). At this moment, the safest conclusion is that it is premature to offer conclusions about contextual variability in peer influence. Taken together, the evidence suggests that adolescents are neurologically primed to monitor input from peers. During a time when the social landscape is shifting rapidly to accommodate peers, adolescents are especially responsive to their feedback.


Individuals who share attitudes, interests, and behaviors find it easy to get along. Compared with children, young adolescents have more freedom over where they go and what they do. They exercise that freedom by expanding the scope and frequency of activities with friends, in person, and online. Spoken peer pressure is when a teenager asks, suggests, persuades or otherwise directs another to engage in a specific behavior. If this is done in a one-on-one environment, the recipient of the influence has a stronger chance of adhering to his or her core values and beliefs. If, however, the spoken influence takes place within a group, the pressure to go along with the group is immense.

How to help children with pressure to conform

The application of intelligent technology, such as industrial robots, is related to the environmental governance effectiveness of enterprises and the realization of the goal of “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”. Due to their similar external environments, driven by economic rationality, peer enterprises will mimic the robotics applications of other enterprises, which in turn will affect the enterprises’ carbon emissions. However, little literature has explored the impact of industrial robot application on enterprise carbon emissions from the perspective of peer effect.

indirect peer pressure

New evidence on the Scope of Peer Influence

  • Moderate environmental regulation exerts pressure on enterprises to reduce emissions, prompting them to increase environmental protection investment and introduce advanced energy-saving technologies, thus fostering the green and low-carbon transformation of enterprises.
  • The results indicate that moderate industry competition promotes enterprises to share green innovation outcomes, generating technology spillovers and learning effects, thereby facilitating the diffusion of energy-saving and emission-reducing technologies within the same industry.
  • For instance, friendship choices that appear to be driven by demographics may be a product of musical taste, which correlates with fixed characteristics such as gender, age, and ethnicity (Stark & Flache, 2012).
  • Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to group norms.

For example, a high school student who joins a study group might improve their grades due to the collective effort and motivation of the group. For example, a 2018 study found that college students who perceived that excessive drinking was common and typical among their peers were more likely to engage in heavy drinking sessions, regardless of how common this activity actually was. This finding suggests that a person’s perception of their environment acts as a form of peer pressure, even when peers do not directly exert any pressure. People of all ages are susceptible to peer pressure, and research shows that adults may shift their drinking habits based on peer pressure. However, much of the research on peer pressure focuses on teenagers, due to the idea that they are more vulnerable to peer influence. In the case of indirect peer pressure, the results can be positive or negative, but the avenue of pressure is subtle and not directly asked or proposed.

  • Peer pressure plays a pivotal role in a person’s mental health; it can force them to do something which can be either less harmful or have more serious consequences.
  • Findings from experimental studies indicate that peer influence is greatest when adolescents are confronted with unfamiliar tasks that have uncertain outcomes (van Hoorn et al., 2017).
  • If so, you’ve been a victim of peer pressure—chances are, most of us have.
  • Spoken peer pressure is when a teenager asks, suggests, persuades or otherwise directs another to engage in a specific behavior.
  • This immature capacity for functional integration may contribute to adolescent difficulties in simultaneously evaluating social, affective, and cognitive factors relevant to a given decision, particularly when social and emotional considerations are disproportionately salient.

These results suggest the necessity of considering community leaders in social networks as effective mobilizers of actors throughout the network. We have observed that the leaders emerging on the basis of their community positions exhibit greater success in reaching consensus than those randomly emerging in the network. However, when appropriate PP exists, leaders who effectively reach consensus emerge regardless of their position in their communities.

Adolescence as a Period of Heightened Socio‐affective Sensitivity

A community is a group of individuals who are more tightly connected among themselves than with the other actors in the network25. Actors in one of these communities reach consensus among themselves easily, but it is difficult to reach consensus between different communities. Most central actors in such networks are Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House frequently located in a single community. When they emerge as leaders, they drive consensus only in their community but not in the global network. In contrast, when leaders emerge randomly, they more likely emerge simultaneously in different communities, a situation that favors global agreement in the network.