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MAINTENANCE. The total immersion promised by this virtual world will multiply the amount of data collected, warns the tech lawyer.
By Laurence Neuer
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Qwhat does it mean to be “owner” in the metaverse? Will consumer protection rules apply there as in the physical world? Will it be possible to claim a “private life” there? This virtual world is already upsetting legal benchmarks. Lawyers are on the warpath to limit the risks, waiting for the law to come to regulate it. Claire Poirson, lawyer specialized in the field of new technologies, head of the NFT, blockchain, metavers division at Bersay law firm, explains the stakes.
point : What are we talking about when we mention the metaverse? How does this new virtual environment promise to revolutionize law?
Claire Poirson : Contraction of “meta” and “universe” (to understand “beyond the universe”), the metaver is an en…
De Gaulle – Think, resist, govern
His name became synonymous with a free and powerful France. De Gaulle, the man of the call of June 18, has established himself in history first as a rebel, a resistance fighter and then as a charismatic political leader, in France and abroad. Adored, hated during the time of his presidency, after his death he became a myth, an ideal of a politician that both on the right and on the left we find ourselves regretting.
Theft, violence, drug trafficking, sexual assault, traffic offences, scams… A curtain-raiser on the daily life of the correctional institution through a sample of trials crunched on the spot.
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