As we enter a new year, it’s the perfect time to evaluate our health and wellness habits and make positive changes to our routine. One area that deserves attention is our vitamin intake. Vitamins are essential nutrients that support various bodily functions and promote overall well-being. However, with so many options on the market, it can be challenging to know which ones to take and how much to consume.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five compelling reasons why it’s time to upgrade your vitamin routine in 2023. From boosting immune function and enhancing cognitive performance to improving skin health and supporting bone density, these benefits highlight the critical role that vitamins play in our health.

By taking the time to evaluate our vitamin intake and make informed decisions about supplementation, we can ensure that we are receiving the nutrients our bodies need to function optimally. With the latest research and advancements in nutritional science, there are now more options than ever for enhancing our vitamin regimen and achieving our health goals.

So, let’s explore these five reasons why upgrading your vitamin routine is essential in 2023 and discover how you can take steps to improve your overall health and well-being.

1. Get personalized recommendations

Figuring out what vitamins to take is simple. Take a short quiz about your diet and lifestyle, and we make recommendations to help you fill in the gaps, without overdoing it on nutrients you don’t need.

2. Take vitamins backed by science

Your recommendations are backed by our scientific advisory board, made of leading doctors, scientists, and nutritionists. We are upfront about levels of clinical research and are transparent about our supply chain. So you can make healthy decisions you’re comfortable with.

3. Enjoy the convenience of home delivery

After you choose your vitamins, we will send you a month’s supply of daily vitamin packs every month. You won’t need to worry about the hassle of the vitamin aisle again.

4. Make your daily vitamins an easy routine

The daily packs are easy to grab and go, so you don’t have to deal with vitamin bottles or weekly pill containers. They’re also printed with your name, some fun facts, and a little inspiration.

5. Get the best quality products, for less

Our ingredients come from the places they grow best, so each nutrient is as effective, safe, and bioavailable as it can be. We avoid unnecessary additives and don’t use harsh solvents. And it costs about 20% less than what you’d buy in the store. Happy wallet, healthy you.

The simplicity of Care/of vitamins doesn’t end with recommendations based on your diet and lifestyle. Personalized, daily vitamin packs are delivered right to your door every month, and the entire ordering process happens online. Top notch ingredients and transparent, sustainable production practices mean no poring over fine print.